Recording diary day 7
Hello again!
Here’s a quick summary of our last day in Béa’s studio.
We still had a few small things to do for our second ballad although we were completely exhausted from the week. Anyway we patiently cut instrumental tracks and recorded vocals. All this went down well and the mood stayed high. After the song was cut we were satisfied and started a final listening of all tracks of the week.
This turned out to be a very big project and hence we reheard, controlled, cut and finished the tracks until 7p.m….
But after that it was: Shutdown the computer, week is done, STOUT and Béa are happy and satisfied. To really bring the week to a good close, two things were left to do:
Listening through all tracks without controlling pressure on the big stereo. After that we can say we are very pleased, very proud and are much obliged to Béa!!!
A last time we say adieu from the studio! (for this year…)