Recording diary day 3
Hi everybody!
We have a few more quick news from the recording studio for you, although it was a very changeful day.
Well, it started great, even if we had to get up as early as on Tuesday. After a relaxed breakfast we dared to record our first tune-set. This went down quite well and quite fast and hence the rest of the day could only get great! Played the set good, good groove in it, STOUT pleased. But Béa had to leave us for unchangeable appointments. Thus Mario and I were left alone with recording for half a day.
So we first decided to go shopping foods. After a little afternoon snack we then really started song number 3. The first guitar went well. So did the second until we realized background noises in quite passages that we just couldn’t get rid of. Well, at least WE couldn’t with our limited recording skills…
And so we had to quit recording with a song only partly finished, have a small dinner and go to sleep early and frustrated.
We now hope to work better and faster with Béa for the rest of the week, also to raise the mood to old heights again. We wish you a good night nontheless.
Til then (well, most likely tomorrow 😉 )