The Duo STOUT is on the mission to renew and extend Irih Folk with a fresh appproach and still keep the soul and essence of the time-honoured as well as the modern tracks and let them live on. In doing so, the two create their own sound between tradition and modernism, between folk and many other genres: Irish Folk Redefined!

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Hi everybody!

Welome to our homepage!

It was was worth waiting for: Our very own website is launched and we’re really proud of it! In our truly original design we present you everything about and around STOUT! News, music, videos, pictures and of course our tour dates. Plus there is all material for promoters, techies and the generally interested  in the “promo” section.

Whenever there’s something to know that is related to STOUT!, you’ll ge it here. So have fun looking around.

A huge thank you goes to our web designer Sebastian, you’ve made all our wishes come true better than we thought them up! Great job, man!!!

We also thank Christian Daitche of FotoBonn for the superb pics. We look better than we thought was posible! You’ll find his website here:

Last but not least a thanks to the Fiddler’s irish pub in Bonn, which we could use for our foto session. Here’s the website: The pub has weekly sessions on wednesdays, so if you want to make music yourself, go there!

We now lean back, enjoy a pint of the black stuff and are happy as we could be!
