Recording diary day 1 and 2
Dear fathers, dear mothers and fellow peasants!
After day two in the recording studio we decided to write a quick note and give you some pics. So far we’re very pleased. Not only did we manage to nearly keep up with the schedule but also do the results sound really really great!!! But one by one.
On Monday we arrived at Béa’s house and first checked in. After unpacking and stocking up with chocolate, cookies, water and tea, setting up mics and equipment started. This meant positioning mics, placing musicians behind them and playing a bit. Ah, doesn’t sound too good. Everything again. Still not good… And so on. Until finally we got frustrated by the fact that the banjo was recorded by both the banjo and the guitar mics. So we divided the room with lots of blankets and other stuff that hopefully absorbed noise. After that still wasn’t enough we completely packed in the guitar man. After losing all eye-contact (which settled Béa a lot but didn’t please us too much) the sound was finally great.
At this point Monday was nearly over but it still was enough for the first song’s intrumental tracks.
We were satisfied and completely exhausted (which sounds quite ambiguous, but isn’t!!!). So it was dinner, whiskey, bed for the evening!
On Tuesday we got up at the inhuman time of 8 a.m. and started recording at 9 a.m. The voices for the first song were recorded quickly and the spirits were high.
The intrumental tracks for the sescond song however were something completely different and also proved our sound engineer Béa that even a folk-duo can really show off, especially if it is STOUT 😉 After overdubbing the song with four banjo-layers and one of the singers (we won’t tell you who) performed the high F# (commentary by the landlord: Béa, what did you sing in the end…???) she was convinced of that. And a nervous wreck… 😀
Tuesday however was very successful. The first song got voices, the second, one of the most complicated arrangements, was wrapped up completely and we had good dinner…
While I’m writing this, Mario is still practicing guitar parts, that nerd… We’ll see if it does him something good! We wish you all a good night/day/morning/noon/retirement and will return here tomorrow with our recording diary.
Til then, folk on, up the banjos and howdy!